How to Keep your Kitchen Summer Clean

Why is Kitchen Cleaning in the Summer So Important?

Kitchens tend to get a lot warmer during summer, and keeping it clean and dust-free allows for better air circulation. That means,your kitchen will also have less space for airborne diseases and pollution. Also, if you don’t clean your kitchen regularly, water might accumulate in nooks and crannies, and it can be a hotbed for insects and their breeding ground. Keeping your kitchen clean is therefore an essential part of home hygiene that you should adhere to, and since the Bengali New Year is just around the corner (get ready for Poila Baishakh, which means I am going to cook and eat a LOT of good food), I am already on a spring cleaning mode, and yes, this also means new recipes on the blog! I promise that I am going to do more cooking! It has been pointed out to me by several friends of mine (Yes, I am looking at you S, S&I, M, D, and RA) that I don’t post enough recipes and guys, I am sorry, but my Poila Baishakh resolution is to cook more often for the blog.

But I digress. Let me give you some of my favourite tips to keep my kitchen clean this Poila Baisakh and a great space to work in.

LAL HIT 320 ml

Tips to Keep your Kitchen Clean in Summer

  1. Maintain a schedule to do parts of the kitchen at a time. In our busy lives, we don’t have a lot of time to do everything at the same time, so keep a diary where you write down which part of the kitchen you want to tackle and post it on the fridge or any other space where it’s visible. A visual reminder can actually help you not only follow the schedule but also repeat it. Whatever you do, try to keep the schedule varied and not too long. Spending 15 minutes can be a start.
  2. Products that are often kept at room temperature, especially vegetables like potatoes and onions, should be checked upon often and kept in a cool, dry place. Often, moisture is the reason why these products might catch fungus, which is really bad for kitchen hygiene.
  3. Make sure you wipe down all your appliances once every two days, at least. I tend to ensure they are wiped down at least once per day, but two days are fine. This is crucial, because during summers in Kolkata, the weather tends to be hot and humid, and so, dust sticks to your appliances, that can result in them getting dirty and accumulating germs sooner.  1200x628
  4. Use an insect repellent in the kitchen to get rid of pests. Keep a product like Godrej Lal Hit handy to ward off cockroaches. I like the long nozzle of the Godrej Lal Hit that can help get access under showcases and refrigerators, which are places that often harbour cockroaches. Just remember, this is quite toxic, so keep it away from children and pets.
  5. Check your fridge for old food and ingredients you’ve kept there. A lot of times this food can rot in the fridge for staying inside too long, and vegetables often are struck by fungus. So, checking and cleaning your fridge every couple of weeks makes a lot of sense.
  6. To make sure your kitchen floors are safe, using some form of mild bleaching agent on the floor is a good idea. This not only cleans up the kitchen but also keeps it germ-free. However, using a mild agent is crucial here.
  7. Another important thing is to keep a kitchen clean from rodents like rats because these are massive germ carriers. Apart from being carriers of Leptospirosis, their bite is poisonous and fever-inducing. So, a simple mousetrap or rat eradicating potion, like Hit Rat Killer can come in handy.

So these were some simple summer kitchen hygiene tips that you can easily follow to make your kitchen a better place this new year. Let me know which one you already practice and what you would want to implement upon next.

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Hi, I’m Panushwari

Welcome to my blog which is mostly about Food, Travel, Lifestyle and Beauty. I generally review restaurants and hotels in Kolkata and my work as a Restaurant Consultant and Food Critic in Kolkata allows me to maintain this blog as a showcase of my work. I am also a published author and have been a panelist at many events.

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